Choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor

Posted by kaniamazdar | 11:05 | 0 comments »

By Peter Lenkefi

Mesothelioma Cancer is considered, within the medical profession, to be a serious illness. Mesothelioma Doctors are now available to those who are sufferers of Mesothelioma Cancer.

Mesothelioma Doctors are well educated in the cause of Mesothelioma Cancer, diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer, the affects of Mesothelioma Cancer and the available treatment for Mesothelioma Cancer.

Therefore, when choosing a Mesothelioma Doctor, ensure that they have expertise, or quality experience in the area of Mesothelioma Cancer. This can be achieved through your general GP’s general enquiries on your behalf, or through conducting your own research.

You might even consider making enquiries with the American Cancer Society, who hold a variety of information about different types of Cancer and where to seek help. When seeking help it is best to research all your available options and then choose the best one for you.

Some of the important information that you might need to tell your Mesothelioma Doctor include, what types of symptoms you are experiencing, how long ago since you were exposure to an Asbestos related substance and for how long where you exposed to the Asbestos related substance.

After you receive and initial consultation from your Mesothelioma Doctor, you may be required to undergo either a Chest CT scan, or a biopsy, depending on which type of Mesothelioma Cancer your Mesothelioma Doctor considers that you have.

Essentially, there are three possible types of Mesothelioma Cancer that you could have. These include, Pleural (Lungs) Mesothelioma Cancer, Peritoneal (abdominal) and Pericardial (heart).

Once your Mesothelioma Cancer doctor has made a definitive diagnosis, he/she will then be able to tell you which type of Mesothelioma Cancer you have, at what stage the Mesothelioma Cancer is, whether it has spread to surrounding organs, or whether it is contained within the original area of the diseases initiation.

Your Mesothelioma doctor will then discuss your treatment options in relation to the type of Mesothelioma Cancer that you have and what stage the Cancer is at. Your Mesothelioma Doctor should explain these options in detail, including any side affects and the recovery period.

Your Mesothelioma Doctor should also explain to you what the results of not undergoing these recommended treatment options could be. Essentially, your Mesothelioma Doctor should give you a detailed explanation of your entire prognosis.

Your prognosis should include details regarding any risks that you may be subjected to, the chances of the Cancer reoccurring following treatment and how long you are expected to survive once treatment has been implemented.

Keep in mind that through ongoing research into Mesothelioma Cancer, treatments are becoming more effective and patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, who undergo treatment, are surviving for longer periods of time.

About the author:
Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here:

Circulated by Article Emporium

PESHAWAR: World Cancer Day would also be observed in Pakistan on February 4 like other parts of the world.

World Health Organization (WHO) has announced February 4th will be designated as World Cancer Day, a day where citizens worldwide are encouraged to increase awareness of what WHO is calling a “global cancer crisis.”

The WHO researchers estimate that 84 million people across the globe will die of cancer by 2015. The majority of these individuals will not receive treatment and many may not even be formally diagnosed. In some nations, such as India and China, cancer is not considered a serious health threat.

An increase in population, as well as tobacco use and exposure to other carcinogens, such as asbestos, is to be blamed for the worldwide increase in new cancer cases.

In India, the cancer crisis is of special concern, as the number of individuals exposed to carcinogenic asbestos is said to be the highest in the world. India imports an alarming amount of Canadian-mined asbestos each year, and because there are no asbestos-usage regulations in their country, the number of Indian citizens dying from mesothelioma cancer has increased in recent years.

WHO will team up with the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) to promote cancer research and increased its funding. The UICC is also giving people an opportunity to sign their “World Cancer Declaration” and devote themselves to the mission of worldwide cancer control. Each year on February 4, WHO joins with the sponsoring International Union Against Cancer to promote ways to ease the global burden of cancer.

Preventing cancer and raising quality of life for cancer patients are recurring themes. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.9 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2007. Lung, stomach, liver, colon and breast cancer cause the most cancer deaths each year.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Source:

Us News And World Report

U.S. News and World Report has recently written about a clinical trial for an experimental mesothelioma treatment that is being conducted at the Mesothelioma Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center.

The trial is investigating the combined use of chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of pleural mesothelioma, which is a departure from the standard therapies that normally specify some form of curative surgery. Patients who are enrolled in the trial will receive multiple cycles of a chemotherapy regimen consisting of either cisplatin and doxorubicin orcisplatin and pemetrexed (alimta). The latter chemotherapy regimen is the current standard of care in chemotherapy for mesothelioma. All of these patients will receive radiation that is targeted directly at the pleural tissue on the lung.

Although the treatment regimen does not specify curative surgery, it will be available for patients who elect to undergo it. Patients can choose between extrapleural pneumonectomy and pleurectomy/decortication.

The trial is investigating whether this regimen will demonstrate any improvements in overall patient outcome than do the standard therapies.

The Mesothelioma Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center is the only cancer center in the country to offer this therapy.

posted by Belluck & Fox

Cancer Help - Medicinal and Spiritual

Posted by kaniamazdar | 07:41 | 0 comments »

When you have a loved one who is sick with mesothelioma or any other cancer or fatal disease. It is always a sad situation. But hopefully this article will encourage you some.

Of course God gave us the knowledge to develop medicine like chemotherapy and radiation therapy and surgery. And for good reason. Often times these things save lives.

Surgery can eliminate mesothelioma completely in some circumstances. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy also can have a huge impact on prolonging the life of mesothelioma and other cancer patients.

But when medicine can't do anymore for a person then sometimes the doctor must step back and let the pastor come forward. And this why most hospice companies have pastors as part of their full time staff.

Sometimes the pastor must come forth so the power of God is manifested and dissolves the mesothelioma, cancer or other disease. I believe this can happen still today.

But other times the pastor must come forward simply to help prepare a mesothelioma patient for their transition into eternity and pray for them. After all, a person is never more ready to discuss spiritual matters than when they are knocking at the door of eternity.

In conclusion, mesothelioma patients often need to have both medicinal and spiritual help available to them. And the spiritual help should extend to the family also.

If you or a loved one has mesothelioma don't forget to include your pastor in your care. You can always use the extra comfort.......................and sometimes a miracle.

Billy DaMore

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 In "Fight Asbestosis inflammation to Prevent Mesothelioma From Forming" researchers identified chronic inflammation from asbestosis as a risk for developing mesothelioma.

Below are some suggestions from the book "Life Over Cancer" by Keith I. Block, M.D., for managing inflammation through diet. For patients battling asbestosis, making some dietary changes may not only lead to improved health, but can prevent the development of mesothelioma.

This information is also beneficial for anyone currently undergoing mesothelioma treatments.

Minimize Inflammation "Offenders." Avoid cigarette smoke, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, maintain a normal bodyweight, and get plenty of sleep.

Exercise - but be careful. If you are not actively exercising, but are planning on getting started be careful of injuries. This could lead to additional inflammation, and this should be kept to a minimum.

Salicylates. Salicylate is a natural anti-inflammatory compound found in foods. While this is the active ingredient in aspirin, it does not prevent clotting or lead to gastrointestial discomfort. Tomatoes, turmeric, and wintergreen are the best sources for salicylates.

Flavonoids. Flavonoids act much the same as Celebrex and other anti-inflammatory medications. Berries such as cherries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries are very high in flavonoids. Other foods such as spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and zucchini as also rich in flavonoids.

Spices. Whole-leaf types of the following spices also offer anti-inflammatory benefits. Basil, oregano, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, thyme, and mint.

Always check with your physician for information regarding diet and exercise during your mesothelioma and asbestosis treatment. Also check with your physician if you are considering taking supplements.


posted by Nancy Meredith

From the Insurance Journal

The estates of two men who died of asbestos-related lung cancer years after receiving a settlement for increased risks and fear of the disease can again sue another manufacturer of the material under the so-called "two-disease rule," Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has ruled.

Plaintiffs Kenneth Abrams and John Shaw, were diagnosed with nonmalignant asbestos-related disease in 1984 and 1985. After the diagnoses, they sued various manufacturers of the asbestos-containing material to which Abrams and Shaw were exposed in their jobs. They sought damages for their increased risk of cancer, and ultimately settled that suit in 1993.

However, in 2002, both men were then diagnosed with lung cancer -- eventually dying of the disease. Prior to their deaths, the two had again sued the same companies -- along with another, John Crane Inc., which was not a party to the earlier suit -- alleging occupational exposure to asbestos-containing products manufactured by the defendants caused Abram's and Shaw's cancer.

Crane's involvement in the case is the subject of the particular Supreme Court appeal. Crane's lawyers had sought to dismiss the suit, arguing that because the company was not a party to the earlier settlement, statutes of limitation and state law prevented Shaw and Abrams from seeking damages 20 years later against Crane. Since Crane was not a party to the original suit, lawyers argued that Abrams and Shaw had effectively relinquished claims against the company in failing to seek damages years ago.

The Supreme Court rejected that argument, overturning an earlier, lower-court ruling in Crane's favor.

The court argued that the legal system had adopted a "two-disease rule" for asbestos-related claims, meaning that the earlier settlement for nonmalignant, asbestos-related lung disease -- essentially fear of and risk for developing cancer -- did not establish a statute of limitations for later suits in which a defendant actually develops lung cancer.

The suit appears to clear the way for Abrams' and Shaw's widows to seek damages against Crane.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 While scientists continue to explore why certain people exposed to asbestos are susceptible to contracting mesothelioma they suggest avoiding exposure to asbestos as the first step in preventing the spread of the disease.

The following tips can also be beneficial in reducing the risk of getting mesothelioma:

  • Wear protective clothing when working around asbestos. Asbestos is no longer used in new building construction, but older buildings may contain this harmful substance, so be sure to take precautions when remodeling or demolishing older buildings.

  • Get Health Screenings. If you have been exposed to asbestos on the job contact a doctor - even if you are not experiencing symptoms. Early detection of asbestos-related illness can significantly increase your survival rate and improve your quality of life.

  • Question asbestos risks. Bring any potential asbestos-exposure risk to the attention of the proper authorities.

  • Follow recommended industrial procedures during asbestos removal. You should contract with a certified asbestos removal expert for large renovations, however, for small jobs certain methods such as wetting down surfaces with water will prevent fibers from entering the air (such as when working on car brake pads).

By Lindy Kerin for AM

Posted Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:11am AEDT
Updated Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:22am AEDT

Australian experts are offering new hope to mesothelioma sufferers, claiming a breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive cancer.

Specialists at the Austin Health Centre in Victoria have discovered a new radiation technique which can improve the life expectancy for sufferers.

Every year, around 700 Australians find out they have mesothelioma. The deadly cancer, which attacks the lungs, is mostly caused by exposure to asbestos.

On average sufferers are given just two years to live after diagnosis.

Dr Malcolm Feigen, a Radiation Oncologist at the Austin Health Centre in Victoria, has for the past seven years been developing new techniques for treating mesothelioma, involving high doses of radiotherapy.

"Gradually with new technologies and better equipment we've been able to increase our doses and look at the results by doing PET scans before they start the radiotherapy and PET scans after they've finished to see what difference we've made," he said.

"And we've been very impressed that in most cases there's a considerable improvement in the activity of the tumour masses that we've given high doses of radiotherapy. And most patients have got through the course of treatment with no major side effects and some have had long-term benefits."

Dr Feigen says patients treated only with chemotherapy mostly have short-term benefits and then the cancer comes back.

"But with radiotherapy it doesn't come back in the same area and if we find patients early enough we may be able to stop any further developments of their disease," he said.

All up, 13 patients were involved in the pilot program.

Dr Feigen says most had surgery prior to radiotherapy. He says the treatment has given the patients an average two years more to live.

"Some patients go on to have a number of good years before sometimes the tumour comes back in areas that we haven't been able to give radiotherapy to," he said.

"Some have had chemotherapy before they see us or afterwards and that does provide an additional benefit, but not always, and we think that most of the symptoms are relieved more effectively by high doses of radiotherapy than these other alternatives."

Dr Feigen will present his findings to a national oncology conference on the Gold Coast next week.

He is hoping to encourage other leading cancer centres to take part in further research.

The CEO of the Cancer Council of Australia, Professor Ian Olver, says the findings are promising and he welcomes the push for further studies.

"I think it's an important finding that radiation has a useful role along with other therapies, not so much on its own, so they've really found the niche for radiotherapy in this disease," he said.

Mesothelioma Is Getting More Scary

Posted by kaniamazdar | 06:56 | 0 comments »

Mesothelioma is getting more scary all the time. People are being diagnosed now even 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

This is unlike any other cancer. It appears to grow so slowly until it's diagnosed. There is a person not far from me who was just diagnosed with
mesothelioma and this person was exposed to asbestos over 50 years ago. That's incredible. But it's true. So we will probably see more and more of the elderly being diagnosed in their later years.

The other concern should be the children who were exposed to asbestos in the late 1960's and early 1970's just from playing around asbestos. If some or many children were exposed to asbestos around that time, they might not find out until they are in their 40's and 50's. So if they were around enough asbestos to get cancer, it might not be detected until the year 2020.

Even though we knew asbestos was dangerous. The government officials like OSHA and the EPA did not really lay down stern regulations until around 1970-1971. So this is why mesothelioma is getting a little more scary.

And the other thought I had was this: are there many cases of
mesothelioma being overlooked? It's not impossible for many lung cancer patients to perhaps never have a biopsy. They might refuse if the disease is in the real late stages. Or maybe a doctor won't bother with one if a person smoked for 40 years and again has late stage lung cancer.

These were just thoughts running through my head that could contribute to
mesothelioma getting more scary because more people might have it than we realize.

It does seem like legal compensation is available for most people who get the disease, especially from a work environment. But money does not bring back your loved one.

What People Get Mesothelioma?

Posted by kaniamazdar | 22:28 | 0 comments »

People are curious and don't understand what people get mesothelioma. So this article will shed some light on just who does contract the deadly cancer.

The simple answer is those who are exposed to asbestos for long periods of time. But lets take a closer look at exactly what people get mesothelioma. The following is a list of where people are exposed or can be exposed to asbestos and what occupations can expose people to asbestos and being exposed to these areas helps answer the question: What people get mesothelioma?

First let's look at the
places people could be exposed to asbestos:

  • Asbestos product manufacturing (insulation, roofing, building, materials)
  • Automotive repair (brakes & clutches)
  • Construction sites
  • Maritime operations
  • Mining operations
  • Offshore rust removals
  • Oil refineries
  • Power plants
  • Railroads
  • Sand or abrasive manufacturers
  • Shipyards / ships / shipbuilders
  • Steel mills
Now Let's Look At Specific Occupations Where Workers Could Be Exposed To Asbestos:
  • Asbestos removal workers
  • Workers at exfoliation facilities where vermiculite ore from Libby, Montana, was processed
  • Demolition workers
  • Workers at asbestos product manufacturing plants
  • Auto mechanics
  • Boilermakers
  • Bricklayers
  • Building inspectors
  • Carpenters
  • Drywallers
  • Electricians
  • Floor covering manufacturers or installers
  • Furnace workers
  • Glazers
  • Grinders
  • Hod carriers
  • Insulators
  • Iron workers
  • Laborers
  • Longshoremen
  • Maintenance workers
  • Merchant marines
  • Millwrights
  • Operating engineers
  • Painters
  • Plasterers
  • Plumbers
  • Roofers
Really it could be more than this. It's such a dangerous situation. I mean as I stated before, that's why a person might have to seek compensation through a lawyer because of the medical bills - just to help pay them.

What people get
mesothelioma? Well the children who used to be exposed to asbestos 30 years ago or more through work or even play in their homes because of lack of regulations and understanding. These are the people getting mesothelioma in their 30's and 40's usually. Once again it's a terrible cancer and terrible disease. But hopefully this article helps answer the question for you "what people get mesothelioma?"

The New York law firm of Belluck & Fox has obtained a $1.5 million verdict and punitive damages of $750,000 against Fisher Controls International following the death of a worker at a plant in Buffalo, New York, who was exposed to asbestos on the job.

The verdicts in Estate of Ronald Drabczyk, Index No. I 2005/1583, were rendered on October 19 and 20 in Erie County Court in Buffalo, New York. Judge John Lane presided.

Fisher Controls, based in Marshalltown, Iowa, is a subsidiary of Emerson Electric Co., based in St. Louis, MO. Emerson is a publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol EMR.

Belluck & Fox represented the family of Ronald Drabczyk, a factory worker at a chemical plant in Niagara Falls, NY. Drabczyk died from mesothelioma, a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Drabczyk repaired valves manufactured by Fisher, which contained asbestos gaskets and packing. The valves were sold by Fisher to the Hooker plant where Drabczyk overhauled them from 1970-1988. The evidence at trial demonstrated that Fisher was aware of the dangers of asbestos as early as 1946 but failed to place any warning on its products.

In addition to awarding Drabczyk`s estate $1.5 million in damages, the jury found that Fisher acted negligently in failing to warn of the dangers associated with the valves. It found that Fisher was responsible for five percent of the fault associated with his exposure and that the exposure to the valves was a substantial contributing factor in causing Drabczyk's mesothelioma. Further, the jury found that Fisher acted with reckless disregard for the safety of Drabczyk. Under New York law, this finding of reckless disregard renders Fisher Corporation responsible for the entire verdict, minus a set-off for prior settlements.

This is the first instance that Fisher has been found liable for using asbestos in its products.

The jury also awarded $750,000 in punitive damages, finding that Fisher acted with wanton and reckless manners toward Drabczyk and others. This is the first punitive damage award in an asbestos case in New York State in more than 20 years.

The case was tried by Belluck & Fox partner Jordan Fox and Michael P. Joyce of the Law Office of Michael P. Joyce in Boston, MA. The law firm of Lipsitz, Green, Scime Cambria, based in Buffalo, New York, served as co-counsel in the case. The trial lasted six weeks.

"The jury's verdict confirms that this corporation acted in a negligent and reckless manner in selling its valves without ever warning of the dangers associated with the asbestos-containing products used in these valves," Fox said. "The punitive damage verdict underscores that corporations have a duty to workers to protect them from hazards known or knowable regarding their products. The jury held Fisher accountable for the fatal consequences of its actions. Although we cannot bring Mr. Drabczyk back, we hope that this verdict will send a message that these actions will not be tolerated."

Belluck & Fox, LLP is a nationally recognized law firm that represents individuals with asbestos and mesothelioma claims, as well as other serious injuries. The firm has obtained verdicts and settlements of nearly $225 million on behalf of its clients. Partner Jordan Fox has been named to the Best Lawyers in America and to Super Lawyers and on two separate occasions his verdicts were featured as the National Law Journal's Largest Verdict of the Year. Partner Joseph W. Belluck is a Super Lawyer who has prosecuted numerous cases involving injuries from asbestos, defective medical products, tobacco and lead paint, including a recent asbestos case that settled for over $12 million.

Asbestosis Defined

Posted by kaniamazdar | 05:56 | | 0 comments »

Asbestosis is lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos particles and fibers. Asbestos is scarring of the lungs caused by inhaled asbestos fibers. The disease is a chronic and progressive inflammatory medical condition affecting the parenchymal tissue of the lungs.

What happens is that the asbestos fibers in the lungs cause inflammation which can lead to scarring of lung tissue and diminished breathing ability. With all the scar tissue present there is less room for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

So often times the symptoms are only coughing and shortness of breath. And these symptoms are often mistaken for other causes. Asbestosis can only be diagnosed through a chest X-Ray. Sometimes the disease is actually fatal but this is not very common.

While asbestosis is not mesothelioma which is malignant cancer they share some of the same symptoms. And there is no cure for asbestosis or mesothelioma.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with asbestosis due to your work environment you may be entitled to legal compensation to help pay for your medical bills. Don't be afraid to seek legal advice just because you have not been diagnosed with mesothelioma the cancer. Asbestosis is acquired the same way mesothelioma is - prolonged exposure to asbestos.

Neither disease is contagious.

Radiation therapy is another treatment of choice for mesothelioma which is a cancer from exposure to asbestos.

There are different types of radiation therapy that are used to treat mesothelioma. But the way radiation therapy works is it uses high-energy x-rays and/or particles to kill cancer cells. Radiation damages the DNA of mesothelioma and other cancer cells thus killing those cells while attempting to unharm the healthy surrounding cells and tissue. Cancer cells do not repair themselves as quickly as normal cells. So when some normal cells are damaged during radiation therapy many of them are able to repair themselves.

The most common type of radiation used to fight mesothelioma is external beam radiation therapy. For external beam radiation therapy the doctor or doctors will carefully mark exactly where they want the radiation beam to attack the mesothelioma cancer. This usually takes one or more doctor visits alone. Then once that's done. They will begin treatments on the marked area.

Treatments usually are five days a week for several weeks.

The side affects depend upon where the radiation is being applied. If the mesothelioma is in the lungs (pleural mesothelioma) a side affect could be shortness of breath and cough. And if the cancer is in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma), the side affects could include nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. For some people the side affects are more severe than for others.

As mentioned above there are other types of radiation therapy. One type is Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). This type is mostly computer controlled and the computer moves about zapping the mesothelioma cancer cells. And there is also Brachytherapy which involves placing tiny radiation pellets or other sources of radiation inside the mesothelioma tumors.

I will discuss IMRT and Brachytherapy in more detail later on. Just know that especially in larger hospitals, there are several different ways of fighting mesothelioma through radiation therapy.

Mesothelioma could be a major problem longer than we think.............

Portland, Ore. – Able Contractors, a Washington-based asbestos abatement firm, received its second violation this year for improper reporting and removal of asbestos, which can cause the rare but severe cancer mesothelioma, from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

The firm received a fine in April of this year for $17, 588; the September fine comes at a higher amount of $30,409. Concerns over asbestos, a material once popular in the construction industry, are not without cause, as mesothelioma is a devastating disease which may not manifest itself immediately, but can lie latent within the body for years or even decades.

Although based in Washington state, Able Contractors also operates in areas of Oregon. This is their third violation from the Oregon DEQ since 2001. In a news release issued by the DEQ, it is reported that the firm failed to submit completed friable asbestos abatement project notification, remove all visible asbestos-containing material before the final air clearance sampling tests, and provide the DEQ with quarterly summary reports for all asbestos abatement projects.

It was also reported that Able Contractors did not do a final air sampling when the project was finished. When asbestos fibers are left in the air, it is easily breathable by anyone who comes in contact with it. The fibers become embedded in the membrane lining called the mesothelium, which lines all of the vital organs, including the lungs and heart. These asbestos fibers can cause cells to become cancerous, leading to a deadly mesothelioma tumor.

“They had left asbestos-containing material exposed on a third-floor ceiling that was to be renovated,” said DEQ asbestos inspector Dottie Boyd. “We got involved and made sure the problem was corrected before it became a safety issue for the residents or employees.” Able Contractors has failed to pay the fine from earlier this year, and has appealed the latest fine as well.

Mesothelioma is diagnosed in nearly 3,000 patients each year, often when the disease has progressed to an almost deadly point. The latency period of mesothelioma makes it difficult to detect and diagnose, leading to a high mortality rate among those afflicted. Although progress has been made in finding better treatment and detection methods, there is still no cure for mesothelioma.

Information from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control..................

This information might be important to the health of your family someday.

Asbestos-containing materials can be found in two forms in your home. These forms are called friable asbestos-containing material and non-friable asbestos-containing material. The distinction between friable and non-friable asbestos lies in the physical condition of the material.

Friable asbestos-containing material is material that can be reduced to powder by hand pressure. Insulation and textured ceiling spray are two common examples of friable asbestos-containing material.

Non-friable asbestos-containing material is material that has asbestos fibers bound in a hard or durable matrix. The asbestos fibers in non-friable asbestos-containing material are typically not easily made airborne. These types of materials are usually considered much safer than friable asbestos-containing material. Non-friable asbestos-containing material can, however, be damaged to the point that it becomes friable. Examples of non-friable asbestos-containing material include asbestos siding and roofing material. Usually, non-friable asbestos-containing material can safely be removed from residential property either by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor or by the homeowner. If the homeowner chooses to remove the material himself, certain precautions should be taken. The following are some suggested removal techniques for common non-friable asbestos-containing materials:

Transite Siding - First, mist the material with water to reduce the chance of fibers becoming airborne. Next, the material should be removed with as little breakage as possible. This can be done by cutting off the heads of the nails or screws that hold the siding in place and sliding the panels away from the wall. Once the material is unfastened from the wall, carefully lower the siding to the ground. Finally, wrap the siding and seal it with duct tape.

Asbestos Flooring - There are several methods for safely removing asbestos flooring material. One such way is to use heat to loosen the flooring from the subfloor. While holding a heat gun over an edge of the flooring, use a putty knife to lift the asbestos flooring away from the subfloor. Continue heating and lifting small areas at a time until the material is completely free. Once the asbestos flooring has separated from the subfloor, the material should be wetted down and wrapped in plastic. Another method for removing asbestos flooring is to use a putty knife to pry the flooring up while continually wetting the material. The water should keep any fibers that are released from becoming airborne. Dry ice can also be used to freeze the adhesive holding the flooring to the subfloor. When the adhesive freezes, the floor covering should be released from the subfloor.

Asbestos Roofing - Asbestos roofing shingles can be removed as a non-friable material provided it is not severely damaged during removal. Asbestos-containing asphalt shingles can be removed by prying the shingles away from the nails and lowering them to the ground. As in all asbestos removals, the material should be wet during the project. However, on steep pitched roofs, too much wetting may result in a slick surface increasing the chance of a fall. If it is not safe to wet the material during removal, extra precautions should be taken to remove the material with as little breakage as possible. Once the material is lowered to the ground, it should be misted and wrapped in plastic.

Although the removal of friable asbestos-containing material in private residences is not generally regulated, the Department does not recommend that any person engage in such activity unless trained to do so. Contractors specializing in asbestos abatement can be found in your local yellow pages. If you are unsure about the contractor and their expertise then be sure to ask them.

Generally, asbestos-containing material does not have to be removed from residential property. In fact, asbestos-containing material does not have to be removed from any structures unless it will be disturbed during renovation or demolition acitivities. As long as asbestos-containing material is in good condition and will not be disturbed, it does not pose a significant health risk.

I am discovering through my research that mesothelioma is a death sentence for most people who are diagnosed because of how late it's being detected. The mesothelioma tumors in many patients have been growing for years without them having any symptoms of the cancer.

Patients diagnosed with mesothelioma sometimes have no choice but to seek financial compensation help from a lawyer because they have no other way to pay for their medical bills after the clinicians realize how bad the situations has become. The cost of treatment just overwhelms most victims of mesothelioma. It must be detected sooner.

Try to think back in years and ask yourself and your relatives if they have ever worked with or have been exposed to asbestos. If they have worked with asbestos especially, they need to have yearly checkups with their doctor. This might only include an X-Ray. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice. But if a person has been exposed to asbestos for long periods of time and does not get regular checkups by a physician, when mesothelioma is found it is often times a death sentence.

You will hear me repeat this in other posts, but some of the mesothelioma tumors they are finding are huge. And the cancer has already spread to the point that treatment is only palliative. The definition for palliative care is to reduce the severity of a disease and treat the symptoms to help the patient be more comfortable. In other words it's too late for a cure without a miracle - which does happen.

So I urge everyone who has worked with asbestos or has been around it to get regular checkups and be in close contact with your doctor about your situation. Because if mesothelioma is detected in its early stages then there is hope for survival.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 09:05 | 0 comments »

For more information on mesothelioma treatment options, definitions, and asbestos and mesothelioma legal information help, please visit the archives.

Posted October 16, 2009

Three judges of the Tennessee Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Wednesday that the family of a former DuPont retiree who died from mesothelioma is entitled to a new trial because of errors in how the trial court instructed the jury on the law.

After a two-week trial in Hamilton County Circuit Court in the Spring of 2008, the jury returned a verdict that was favorable in part to the family of the late Hugh Todd Nye’s family. However, the jury ultimately ruled in favor of the defendant, North Brothers, due, according to the Court of Appeals, instructions from the judge.

The case is Evelyn Nye, individually and as surviving spouse of Mr. Nye v. Bayer Cropscience and others.

According to the 22-page opinion by the Court of Appeals, Mr. Nye worked at the DuPont facility in Chattanooga from 1948-1985. Although numerous companies were originally involved in the lawsuit, the only defendant left in the case at the time of trial was North Brothers, an asbestos products supplier to DuPont.
Mrs. Nye and the Nye family are represented by attorney Jimmy Rodgers with the law firm of Summers & Wyatt in Chattanooga, along with attorneys John Guerry and Benjamin Cunningham from the Motley Rice law firm of Charleston, S.C.

North Brothers was represented by attorneys Hugh Bright, Michael King, and Robert Vance from the Woolf McClane firm out of Knoxville.

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) works just like other types of radiation on cancer cells. IMRT uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells. Like other forms of radiation used for mesothelioma the treatment is usually palliative at this time with current technology. Palliative means it's used only to make the patient more comfortable and slow down the cancer process but it will not usually "cure" the cancer completely.

What is unique about IMRT is that it's done with a 3-dimensional computer driven machine outside the patients body. The machine moves around the patients body delivering computer guided radiation beams to the mesothelioma cancer. And it does this from several angles which makes it more effective against the mesothelioma.

This IMRT is an important advance in technology because it can deliver more accurate radiation which will reduce damage to the healthy tissue surrounding the cancerous mesothelioma.

Several larger hospitals and cancer centers have IMRT. But it's not available everywhere.

The side effects of radiation remain the same for any type of radiation therapy treating mesothelioma which may include fatigue and skin changes that could resemble a sunburn. And the side effects could be different if the radiation therapy is directed at the chest or the abdomen as mentioned in an earlier post: shortness of breath for the chest and nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for the abdomen.

But don't forget some people experience very little side effects and some people experience more. Each person and mesothelioma case is different. Make sure everything is discussed in detail with your doctor.

The information contained on this Mesothelioma And Asbestos Blog and all Elert's including this article is provided for your general information only. This Blog and Article does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. This Blog and Article under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 05:49 | 0 comments »

Remember some things when choosing a lawyer or an attorney to represent you or a love one for mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos.

The lawyer consultation must be free initially. If you have a solid mesothelioma case the law firm stands to make a lot of money when it's all said and done.

Make sure they have direct experience with mesothelioma and asbestos cases. Because there are very fine details about how a person gets mesothelioma. Yes, it's always from exposure to asbestos, but how much exposure? Only an experienced mesothelioma lawyer or law firm will be able to prove in a court of law that you or your loved one is worthy of compensation.

Make sure the attorneys are very kind and patient with you and are more than willing to answer all not some but all of your questions about your mesothelioma case. And if they are not willing to do so, then find another law firm - there are plenty to choose from.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 11:44 | 0 comments »

For malignant mesothelioma the traditional treatments of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are still the first line of defense and offense. As mentioned in other posts there is still no cure for mesothelioma. A cure for mesothelioma like any other cancer will be difficult.

Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy are used together in some cases to treat malignant mesothelioma but not all instances.

Chemotherapy is medication given usually in IV form to kill the cancer cells and prevent then from spreading. Radiation therapy is used for the same thing.

Radiation therapy is the least affective therapy of the three because unlike many forms of cancer which only forms a tumor in one area, mesothelioma often is very spread out over several areas. This makes radiation incredibly challenging. Now it will be used in some cases for comfort care. If a mesothelioma tumor is causing great pain or discomfort at one spot in a patient then radiation therapy might be called upon to slow or eliminate that process.

Otherwise radiation will just do more damage to healthy tissue than destroy the targeted cancerous tissue.

Chemotherapy is also used for only palliative care sometimes if the cancer is discovered in the later stages which it often is. But chemotherapy will also be used as curative for mesothelioma along with surgery. Often times chemotherapy will be administered after surgery to sort of "clean up" any remaining cancer cells.

Surgery also is either curative or palliative. But often time if mesothelioma is caught early enough it is used as curative. There are many types of surgeries for mesothelioma including but not limited to removing part of a lung, removing all of a lung and removing some of the mesothelioma tumors on the lung itself. Other minor surgical procedures are also performed as an outpatient.
Because there is no cure for mesothelioma at this time. Every one of the above treatments depends on two things. 1. What stage the cancer was discovered. 2. Where the cancer is located in the body. For example if it's found to be surrounding the heart then surgery could be too risky.
If you or a loved one you know has worked with asbestos the best thing to do is get regular checkups with your doctor regarding any signs or symptoms of mesothelioma.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 15:48 | 0 comments »

I think the CDC is way off in their estimates and the number of mesothelioma cases is much higher than they know about because I actually know people who are infected now.

It's not any ones fault, but doctors are not always reporting every case, and peoples deaths are simply being filed under lung cancer. This is only my opinion, especially if a person is in their 70's or 80's.

The Centers for Disease Control reports that deaths from mesothelioma are rising in the United States.

This week's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report covered mesothelioma fatalities over the past several years.

The CDC counted 18000 mesothelioma deaths in the US over the seven-year period from 1999 to 2005, with 2704 deaths in 2005. The number of malignant mesothelioma fatalities is rising year to year in rough proportion to the population: the annual death rate has been steady at about 14 per million.

The agency expects the number of mesothelioma deaths to peak next year, and to begin to decline, as the improvements in safety and reduction in asbestos use instituted decades ago payoff. The latency period of mesothelioma can be decades long, so even though asbestos is used less widely today, people continue to get mesothelioma due to their exposure in the past.

The writers of the report admit a limitation in their analysis is the lack of asbestos exposure history on death certificates and a general dearth of information on work history.

Consistent with their public health mission, the CDC states "maintenance, renovation, or demolition activities that might disturb asbestos should be performed with precautions." The Mesothelioma Web has been relaying this advice for years.

Previous analysis by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found high rates of mesothelioma among people who worked in ship building, chemicals, refining, and construction.

People Dying from Mesothelioma

Posted by kaniamazdar | 05:17 | 0 comments »

Thousands of people are still dying each year in this country from mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos.

But it's not only people who have been exposed long long ago, but people are still being exposed to asbestos today. So unfortunately the trend will either continue or get worse.

And of course whats sad is that the only cause of mesothelioma is from asbestos exposure.

A person in their late 70's was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma in the US.

The person was exposed to asbestos well over 30 years ago. And the symptoms were relatively mild.

I won't post more details because of confidentiality, but it's more and more common for people to be diagnosed well into the latter stages of their life because of how the disease progresses.

With a healthy lifestyle a person might not be diagnosed with mesothelioma for even 50 years after asbestos exposure. And the other determining factor is how much each person was exposed. If a person was working directly with asbestos fibers for years and years then the symptoms of mesothelioma would probably manifest quicker than for a person exposed for only a short time.

It's sort of scary because many people really don't even know what the disease is and actually have never heard of mesothelioma. Often times they have no idea about the disease until they are diagnosed and the doctor explains that the only cause is asbestos exposure. It's only at that time when the person remembers back to a period in his or her life that they were indeed exposed to sometimes large amounts of asbestos.

Then fear, guilt, and worry will sometimes set in after the doctor explains to them what mesothelioma is all about.

If you or a loved on has been diagnosed with mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos you could be entitled to a large amount of money.

It's so common for mesothelioma victims to not be diagnosed until they are enjoying their retirement. As noted in earlier posts, sometimes the cancer takes 30 years or even more to manifest symptoms. The diagnoses of mesothelioma can be life shattering. But it should not be life shattering financially.

One of the biggest problems people face who have mesothelioma is their medical bills. This is why financial compensation can be so important and so necessary. What law firm you choose has a lot to do with the outcome of your compensation.

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma you should never pay for an initial consultation with a law firm. If a law firm requests money from you up front before hearing your case then find another law firm. There are plenty of attorney's and law firms that will and should listen to your case for free.

The financial compensation is so important because the medical bills of mesothelioma can not only wipe out any fixed income of a retired worker but also can deplete any retirement funds someone has. Unfortunately lawsuits can get put off for years sometimes. That is why it's important to seek compensation as soon as possible if you are going to do so. Because this money is so necessary in some cases just to pay the bills.

And the financial compensation is sometimes (not always) but sometimes hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars depending on your particular case. And that sounds like a lot of money, but if you have two hundred thousand dollars in medical bills from seeking good medical treatment for mesothelioma which is not out of the question you might need quite a bit of money.

So do your homework and some research about your particular case and make wise decisions. And don't do anything for revenge because that's the wrong attitude and won't get you anywhere. Compensation for mesothelioma victims however is sometimes appropriate.

Mesothelioma - How It Happens

Posted by kaniamazdar | 17:00 | 0 comments »

According to the CDC, this is how people can get mesothelioma from asbestos exposure.

  • When asbestos fibers are inhaled, most fibers are expelled, but some can become lodged in the lungs and remain there throughout life. Fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation. Enough scarring and inflammation can affect breathing, leading to disease.
  • The term “naturally occurring asbestos” refers to the mineral as a natural component of soils or rocks as opposed to asbestos in commercial products, mining or processing operations. Naturally occurring asbestos can be released from rocks or soils by routine human activities, such as construction, or natural weathering processes. If naturally occurring asbestos is not disturbed and fibers are not released into the air, then it is not a health risk.
  • People are more likely to experience asbestos-related disorders when they are exposed to high concentrations of asbestos, are exposed for longer periods of time, and/or are exposed more often.
  • Inhaling longer, more durable asbestos fibers (such as tremolite and other amphiboles) contributes to the severity of asbestos-related disorders.
  • Exposure to asbestos can increase the likelihood of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and non-malignant lung conditions such as asbestosis (restricted use of the lungs due to retained asbestos fibers) and changes in the pleura (lining of the chest cavity, outside the lung).
  • Changes in pleura such as thickening, plaques, calcification, and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) may be early signs of asbestos exposure. These changes can affect breathing more than previously thought. Pleural effusion can be an early warning sign for mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs).
  • Most cases of asbestosis or lung cancer in workers occurred 15 years or more after the person was first exposed to asbestos.
  • Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed 30 years or more after the first exposure to asbestos.
  • Asbestos-related disease has been diagnosed in asbestos workers, family members, and residents who live close to asbestos mines or processing plants.
  • Health effects from asbestos exposure may continue to progress even after exposure is stopped.
If you have been exposed to asbestos and have mesothelioma you might have the right to seek legal compensation, at least to help pay for your medical bills.

For people who have been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in it's later stages chemotherapy is the only treatment available.

Some mesothelioma patients are diagnosed so late with the disease that surgery is no longer an option. At that point chemotherapy may become their only medical option.

Chemotherapy is generally not curative in these late stages, but only palliative to prolong an individuals life. The two most common chemotherapy agents used include Alimta and cisplatin

Alimta is the brand name for pemetrexed which is a chemotherapeutic agent that interferes with a crucial process that allows cancer cells to reproduce and spread. Specifically, pemetrexed stops the production of three enzymes that are required to feed the cancer cell.

Alimta is often used with cisplatin. Cisplatin is a platinum containing chemotherapy agent used for treating patients with pleural mesothelioma who are not good candidates for surgery. Cisplatin is also used to fight other types of cancer cells. Cisplatin inhibits DNA synthesis by causing intrastrand and interstrand cross-linking of DNA.

The combination of these two anti-cancer agents - cisplatin and alimta have been shown to prolong the life of many mesothelioma cancer patients. When Alimta is used in conjunction with cisplatin, it is the only Food and Drug Administration approved agent designated for specific use in combating malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Still there is no cure for malignant pleural mesothelioma. But hopefully there will be someday soon. Until that day arrives chemotherapy agents along with some of their terrible side affects are able to help mesothelioma patients survive just a little longer.

One of several palliative treatments for pleural mesothelioma is called pleurodesis. The reason this procedure is done is because there is such fluid build up in the pleura which is the most common site for asbestos induced mesothelioma.

First of all the fluid must be drained from the pleura. Then the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura are fused together so less fluid can build up in that area. Now the parietal pleura is the lining on the inside of the chest made of mesothelial cells and once again is where mesothelioma targets. The visceral pleura is what covers the outer surface of our lungs.

A pleurodesis is mostly done only to help keep someone comfortable who might be too sick for other more involved procedures. And if the procedure can prevent some build up of fluid between the parietal and visceral pleura it can really help the person with increased pain and shortness of breath from asbestos induced mesothelioma.

The parietal pleura and visceral pleura are fused together with chemicals and or surgery closing up that space. The procedure is usually painful during and after the surgery.

The conclusion of the matter is that it will not cure mesothelioma it will only help the patient be more comfortable and breath better for the short term while they are still living. If a patient is strong enough or is a candidate for curative surgery a pleurodesis should not be the first treatment option.

Some statements contained in this article may not be approved by the FDA. This article is for informational purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or other health care professionals.

Deteriorating Republic Steel building must have deed restrictions removed before it can be sold

Sep 15, 2009

The former Republic Steel building in Mineville, New York could be sold at auction if Essex County lawmakers can remove the deed restrictions that state it must be sold for public use. The building hasn’t been used for anything but records storage since the 1980s.

An engineering survey estimates that renovations would cost somewhere between $700,000 and $800,000 to complete, as it is in poor structural condition. The roof is leaking badly, and fixing the roof requires caution; it is made up of asbestos shingles. Asbestos is a dangerous mineral and a known carcinogen that was commonly used in roofing and other building materials for many decades.

It would cost about $80,000 to demolish the building, but the county would prefer to sell the building at auction and have it renovated, if the deed restrictions could be lifted. Aside from demolition or sale at auction, another option is to do a request for proposals (RFP) for salvage operations.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 08:19 | 0 comments »

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma you do have a right to seek compensation through an attorney or law firm. There are hundreds of settlements and lawsuits pending and complete because mesothelioma is a horrible disease and it's victims suffer greatly. The other reason you have a right to look into a lawsuit if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma is because the only cause in the world is exposure to asbestos fibers. So if you or someone you love has worked in an environment with asbestos then you have a right to seek compensation for possible health damages because the health hazards of being exposed to asbestos has been know since the 1920's if not earlier.

Choosing An Attorney

If you want to seek a possible case against a company related to asbestos then make sure that the law firm you choose has successful courtroom experience when dealing with mesothelioma lawsuits. This is critical because there is very much involved with asbestos related diseases.

You will want to meet with the lawyer you will be working with several times if possible to be certain of a couple of things. First of all is the lawyer going to pay close attention and listen to what you say? Will they make eye contact and show that they care? Will they show interest in you and appear to really want to help? These are questions you need to consider before choosing an attorney regarding any case, but especially a possible mesothelioma settlement.

And last but not least you have to know and understand what the fees are going to be as well as how and when they will be expected.

Just to review, make sure the attorney or law firm has a lot of experience with mesothelioma cases. Make sure he or she is very friendly and able to show sympathy toward you and your family. And finally make sure you understand how, when, and if they will be compensated by you.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 06:57 | 0 comments »

If you have mesothelioma, it could have been avoided.

For over two-thousand years asbestos has been used. It was named by the Ancient Greeks, its name means "inextinguishable". Even the Greeks were aware of the harmful affects asbestos had on the body. It is said that a Greek geographer and Roman naturalist noticed what they called the “sickness of the lungs” in many of the slaves who wove asbestos into cloth. But they chose to disregard the symptoms. Probably because of the fascinating strength and fire resistant properties of the material.

Asbestos was used some since then, but did not become really big until the late 1800's.

It was in the 1890's that asbestos became a raw material for large manufacturing industries which exposed many workers to asbestos dust for the first time. From previous articles we know that disease from asbestos usually develops decades after a person is first exposed. Therefore, it was not until the early 1900s that large numbers of workers developed symptoms.

Since the 1920's many of the companies which produced and made large profits from selling products that contain asbestos actually had been aware of it’s hazards. But because asbestos made a good filler and binder, it was relatively cheap and readily available the corporations made their decision. The decision they made was to continue to place workers at risk without advising them of the dangers of being exposed to asbestos.

Despite discussions of asbestos danger in major medical journals as early as 1940 and other documentation from studies declaring the dangers of exposure to asbestos the government did not place a ban on major use of the mineral until about 1970.

Clearly there is still a risk of contracting mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos. Though not as many as in the early 1900's, a large number of workers are still exposed to asbestos dangers.

Expert opinions are widespread about whether or not mesothelioma cases are on the rise, but two thing are for certain - people will be diagnosed with mesothelioma for years to come. And the only cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure.

Posted by kaniamazdar | 06:29 | , , | 0 comments »

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to fight mesothelioma cancer. It is one of the major therapeutic options available for cancer treatment and many of the great success stories in the recent fight against the disease are due to improvements of the chemotherapy agents. To understand how these drugs work we have to understand what cancer is and how it works.

Cancer including mesothelioma is the name of a family of diseases whose fundamental behavior involves the uncontrolled division of cells and the subsequent invasion of these cells into other parts of the body. It's a cellular growth that will never stop without intervention. Although people often speak of cancer as if it were a single entity, it is in fact a number of highly-individualized diseases that all work along these same two principles. For our discussion of chemotherapy, the nature of cell division and replication is the most important area to understand about cancer because this is the domain that chemotherapy targets for treatment.

As we said above, chemotherapy refers to the use of drugs and other chemical (“chemo” is a derivative of “chemical”) agents to fight cancer. Most traditional chemotherapy drugs fight cancer by inhibiting the process of cell division (mitosis) among rapidly dividing cells, although some drugs may work along a different framework. There are drugs which enhance the apoptotic process by which malformed cells are removed from the body and others that target different phases in the cell cycle.

In all cases, successful chemotherapy cures the body of cancer by arresting the production of new cancer cells and killing off whatever malignant structures remain. As such, chemotherapy drugs are considered cytotoxic agents which means drugs that kill cells.

But one of the biggest problems with chemotherapy is its lack-of-specificity for cancer cells. Chemotherapy is considered a broad-scope treatment because it attacks all rapidly dividing cells—not just cancer cells. This is the primary reason for the side effects that are commonly associated with it, such as anemia, digestive disorders and hair loss. The natural activity of bone marrow cells, as is also the case with the cells that control the growth of hair follicles and those that line the digestive track, is also characterized by rapid division, so they, too, are affected by chemotherapy. Science is only now beginning to map the different internal structures between normal cells and cancerous ones, so traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, have been unable to distinguish between these cell types in meaningful ways. Even as recent years have shown a great increase in the overall efficacy of many chemotherapy agents—as well as a reduction in the severity of many of the side effects associated with treatment—chemotherapy is still considered a systemic therapy because of the wide scope of cells that are subject to its cytotoxic effects.

Within the standard framework of cancer treatments, chemotherapy is considered the most effective single modality for the treatment of mesothelioma and is likely to be the most commonly deployed treatment as well. Most people who are diagnosed with the disease in its later stages are not eligible for “curative” surgeries, so chemotherapy becomes their best chance at extending life. For patients who are diagnosed in an earlier stage or are otherwise candidates for surgery, chemotherapy is likely to be used along with surgery and radiation therapy.

Even though chemotherapy can be effective at extending life, it is not a curative treatment for the disease because mesothelioma has not cure at this time. Even as advancements in our treatments have led to longer survival times and better control of patient symptoms, the disease continues to resist long-term management and survival.