I am discovering through my research that mesothelioma is a death sentence for most people who are diagnosed because of how late it's being detected. The mesothelioma tumors in many patients have been growing for years without them having any symptoms of the cancer.

Patients diagnosed with mesothelioma sometimes have no choice but to seek financial compensation help from a lawyer because they have no other way to pay for their medical bills after the clinicians realize how bad the situations has become. The cost of treatment just overwhelms most victims of mesothelioma. It must be detected sooner.

Try to think back in years and ask yourself and your relatives if they have ever worked with or have been exposed to asbestos. If they have worked with asbestos especially, they need to have yearly checkups with their doctor. This might only include an X-Ray. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice. But if a person has been exposed to asbestos for long periods of time and does not get regular checkups by a physician, when mesothelioma is found it is often times a death sentence.

You will hear me repeat this in other posts, but some of the mesothelioma tumors they are finding are huge. And the cancer has already spread to the point that treatment is only palliative. The definition for palliative care is to reduce the severity of a disease and treat the symptoms to help the patient be more comfortable. In other words it's too late for a cure without a miracle - which does happen.

So I urge everyone who has worked with asbestos or has been around it to get regular checkups and be in close contact with your doctor about your situation. Because if mesothelioma is detected in its early stages then there is hope for survival.