Mesothelioma Is Getting More Scary

Posted by kaniamazdar | 06:56 | 0 comments »

Mesothelioma is getting more scary all the time. People are being diagnosed now even 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

This is unlike any other cancer. It appears to grow so slowly until it's diagnosed. There is a person not far from me who was just diagnosed with
mesothelioma and this person was exposed to asbestos over 50 years ago. That's incredible. But it's true. So we will probably see more and more of the elderly being diagnosed in their later years.

The other concern should be the children who were exposed to asbestos in the late 1960's and early 1970's just from playing around asbestos. If some or many children were exposed to asbestos around that time, they might not find out until they are in their 40's and 50's. So if they were around enough asbestos to get cancer, it might not be detected until the year 2020.

Even though we knew asbestos was dangerous. The government officials like OSHA and the EPA did not really lay down stern regulations until around 1970-1971. So this is why mesothelioma is getting a little more scary.

And the other thought I had was this: are there many cases of
mesothelioma being overlooked? It's not impossible for many lung cancer patients to perhaps never have a biopsy. They might refuse if the disease is in the real late stages. Or maybe a doctor won't bother with one if a person smoked for 40 years and again has late stage lung cancer.

These were just thoughts running through my head that could contribute to
mesothelioma getting more scary because more people might have it than we realize.

It does seem like legal compensation is available for most people who get the disease, especially from a work environment. But money does not bring back your loved one.