Cancer Help - Medicinal and Spiritual

Posted by kaniamazdar | 07:41 | 0 comments »

When you have a loved one who is sick with mesothelioma or any other cancer or fatal disease. It is always a sad situation. But hopefully this article will encourage you some.

Of course God gave us the knowledge to develop medicine like chemotherapy and radiation therapy and surgery. And for good reason. Often times these things save lives.

Surgery can eliminate mesothelioma completely in some circumstances. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy also can have a huge impact on prolonging the life of mesothelioma and other cancer patients.

But when medicine can't do anymore for a person then sometimes the doctor must step back and let the pastor come forward. And this why most hospice companies have pastors as part of their full time staff.

Sometimes the pastor must come forth so the power of God is manifested and dissolves the mesothelioma, cancer or other disease. I believe this can happen still today.

But other times the pastor must come forward simply to help prepare a mesothelioma patient for their transition into eternity and pray for them. After all, a person is never more ready to discuss spiritual matters than when they are knocking at the door of eternity.

In conclusion, mesothelioma patients often need to have both medicinal and spiritual help available to them. And the spiritual help should extend to the family also.

If you or a loved one has mesothelioma don't forget to include your pastor in your care. You can always use the extra comfort.......................and sometimes a miracle.

Billy DaMore