One of several palliative treatments for pleural mesothelioma is called pleurodesis. The reason this procedure is done is because there is such fluid build up in the pleura which is the most common site for asbestos induced mesothelioma.

First of all the fluid must be drained from the pleura. Then the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura are fused together so less fluid can build up in that area. Now the parietal pleura is the lining on the inside of the chest made of mesothelial cells and once again is where mesothelioma targets. The visceral pleura is what covers the outer surface of our lungs.

A pleurodesis is mostly done only to help keep someone comfortable who might be too sick for other more involved procedures. And if the procedure can prevent some build up of fluid between the parietal and visceral pleura it can really help the person with increased pain and shortness of breath from asbestos induced mesothelioma.

The parietal pleura and visceral pleura are fused together with chemicals and or surgery closing up that space. The procedure is usually painful during and after the surgery.

The conclusion of the matter is that it will not cure mesothelioma it will only help the patient be more comfortable and breath better for the short term while they are still living. If a patient is strong enough or is a candidate for curative surgery a pleurodesis should not be the first treatment option.

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