Mesothelioma cancer is the racket that can't be stopped. It's like cancer itself - the cells just keep growing and growing...............

Mesothelioma is such a double edge sword. Garlock Sealing Technologies, Bondex International and Specialty Products Holding Company all filed for bankruptcy this month alone because of mesothelioma claims.

The problem is that people deserve some compensation, but they also need the compensation from lawyers and lawsuits so they can pay for their medical bills. And also their families will be "OK" financially if they are still in the work force.

This is the tragedy of mesothelioma for you. There is no cure for mesothelioma and it is only caused by exposure to asbestos particles which can really pin down the companies responsible for people who acquire mesothelioma cancer.

The other problem is these companies need to lay people off when they file for bankruptcy.

So the double edge sword of mesothelioma cancer continues to slice apart companies and victims of the deadly cancer of which there is no cure to date.

The only people who are unscathed by all this are the mesothelioma lawyers. But they are the ones who coordinate and swing the sword.

I don't think it will end any time soon. Mesothelioma lawyers are just doing their job.

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